Monday, August 9, 2010

Stormy Weather

Bunker #6 greenside after last Friday's rain

#3 greenside bunker with new sand, I believe that rain was as back as it can get, as you can see this bunker could be raked out, the question is will this sand percolate like this in 3 years?

Lightening strike 4inch irrigation pipe at driving range

the pipe the lightening struck

the pipe repaired with 4inch pipe and 4inch knock-on,
if you look closely you can see red and yellow cables under the pipe, these hopefully were not affected by the lightening

The storms late last week brought much needed rain to our area. We ended up getting .75inch on Wednesday, .25inch on Thursday, and 3.5inch on Friday. The rain we received on Friday was a flash flood type downpour with a lot of lightening. When we receive this amount of lightening we run the risk of it striking trees, irrigation lines, and irrigation cables.

We are now in the process of picking up after the storm. If we do not get any more bad weather we will hopefully be back to normal on Wednesday.

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