Tuesday, May 18, 2010


example of a whorled growth pattern

this is an azalea we have pruned, it should leaf out in a matter of no time.

Once again the azaleas produced many bright and brilliant colors giving the golf course a great back drop. The flowering has ended and now the pruning has begun. Although it's not a pretty transition, it's a practice that needs to be performed in order to have a thriving bloom the following spring. The azaleas on a few holes have become too tall and dense due to their vigorous growing habit. They are being thinned and pruned to about two feet tall.

The azalea plant has what is called a whorled growth. This means that each year new growth can be determined by a stem with several other newer stems branching off it. Pruning azaleas is simple. To keep bushes compact, tip-pinch frequently, starting after flowering ends and continuing until mid-June. All pruning will be complete on the golf course by June, weather permitting.

Lace bugs can cause a major problem on azaleas. Native to Japan, the female will lay eggs on the underside of leaves along the mid rib. The azalea acts as a host supplying nutrients for the insect, and in return is very injurious to the plant.

To control lace bugs from infecting and feeding on the azaleas, a granular insecticide is spread. On the grounds crew we find Merit, a systemic insecticide, works exceptionally well on all azalea plants we maintain. Systemic is defined as; absorbed and circulated by a plant or other organism so as to be lethal to pests that feed on it. A systemic insecticide will give longer residuals controlling the insects for a longer period of time throughout the year. The azalea will absorb the granular Merit within itself to defend against lace bugs that try to feed on the plant tissue. The active ingredient in Merit is Imidacloprid at 0.5%. As of today, all of the azaleas at Squire Creek have had the annual application of Merit. They are now prepared and ready to defend against an attack from lace bugs.

All the necessary procedures have been taken to insure a healthy bloom. So just sit back and wait to see what the azaleas have in store for next spring.

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