Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gypsum Application to Greens

50lb bag of Gypsum

Pellets on 18 green

Application of 18 Green

Last Monday we applied Gypsum to the Greens. Gypsum in a mineral or rock composed of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate that can be pulverized into micro capsulated pellets and bagged for easy to use applications. This was applied to help flush unwanted sodium build up in our sand base greens. The calcium in gypsum replaces the sodium from the soil exchange sites, which can then be leached with water. This build up occurs when we have to resort to using the water from our water treatment pond. This is considered effluent water and is very high in sodium. In addition to applying gypsum to our greens, we also apply it to all the areas at the clubhouse that are irrigated with city water. The city water is high in bicarbonates and sodium. This destroys the structure of the soil and makes growing high quality turf a difficult task.

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