Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bunker Work

As you all know the bunkers at Squire Creek are a penalty for the golfer but also a penalty for the grounds crew. We recently have started to redo the bunker in front of 3 green. Over the years the bunker has washed so many times that is has created large amounts of silt and organic matter build up in the bottom of the bunker. This creates a drainage nightmare, the silt settles on the gravel layer over the drainage pipe and it becomes very slow to drain. We have now taken out all the old sand and gravel. We cleaned the pipe, replaced the gravel, and are going back with a liner over the whole bunker. Then we will adding Premier White bunker sand. This sand is a very course sand, it is actually crushed quartz. So it has an extremely high percolation rate, which is great for us.

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