Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Grooming the Greens

topdressed green

groomer in action

this is what it looks like after the groomer has passed

It seems summer is coming to an end and fall is right around the corner. The temperatures and sun angle have changed, so the days are becoming more comfortable instead of miserable. Yesterday we groomed the greens for the last time this year. This was a process we did every Monday to help control surface grain and to work sand into the turf canopy.
The process goes like this:
  1. topdress
  2. groom
  3. brush with mechanical broom
  4. roll

  5. mow

  6. gypsum application

We have changed the order of this process since the first of the summer. Now we brush and roll before the mowers. We find that this makes the surface a little firmer so the mowers do not dig in and cause damage to the turf.